Saturday, May 25, 2013

Al Bidyah Mosque

Al Bidyah Mosque is a really old little place of worship with unique architecture
Tourists are welcomed inside but of course you have to take of your shoes and if you're a woman cover your hair
The imam
The view from the watch towers

Wadi Wurayah

A wadi is a huge dry river bed
The canyons were formed thousands of years ago before Arabia became a desert
This particular one has a small waterfall
It's quite rare so it's pretty crowded in the weekend
There is a paved road along the wadi ending on a cliff above the waterfall, people scale the cliff or just drive along the bottom of the wadi if they have a 3WD

The Hotel

That's more like it! The Gulf of Oman :)
The towel pavilion and daily weather data display
The foyer


Friday, May 24, 2013

The Road Trip

On driving through the emirates you find the most creative round abouts
They certainly love their roundabouts preferring them to traffic lights
They're usually huge
And show the local love of arabic culture and history
This even extends to a few petrol stations
On leaving any town there is always a sign like this
And then you drive along a motorway lined for miles and miles with palm trees, sometimes you see farms through the trees
But at some point the trees stop and all you see is the desert - and sometimes a few camels!

The super cool panorama function on dad's camera - spot the camels :)
Soon the landscape changes and the flat desert becomes a sea of dunes
A popular sport is to go dune driving
But we got hungry..
That fish wash actually pretty good ...
Continuing on it got pretty sandy
That's a natural speed bump right there!
Another thing to watch out for...
And there they are!
But soon the police came to herd them along off the road
toot! toot
toot! toot! toot!
haha! so cute!
Later the landscape changes again
And we drive through the mountains
We stop at a roadside commercial centre, there's dad talking to an Afghan carpet merchant
An antique store
with more carpets

But eventually we cross the mountains and reach the sea!
Despite the heat, nobody is swimming. We have to drive on to the hotel :)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Al Ain Oasis and National Museum

Al Ain Oasis is an old date palm plantation
individual orchards are separated by mud brick walls
they make up a labyrinth of walkways

but you can walk into the plots and check how the trees are grown
the dates grow in bunches
and in a crown at the top of the palm
they are irrigated using an anciet falaj system
there's a scarecrow here and there
and a contraption to catch pests?
workers take care of the trees
and some actually live within the oasis itself it seems

each gate has information about the palms grown there
and there is the occasional fruit tree too, there's dad checking out the mangoes

it's a nice place to get away from the heat and noise of the city
Just outside the oasis is the national museum and a small fort
various structures imitate the sheiks grounds in the old days

there's more about the Bedouin lifestyle in the museum
mother and baby

and hospitality