Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Al Ain Oasis and National Museum

Al Ain Oasis is an old date palm plantation
individual orchards are separated by mud brick walls
they make up a labyrinth of walkways

but you can walk into the plots and check how the trees are grown
the dates grow in bunches
and in a crown at the top of the palm
they are irrigated using an anciet falaj system
there's a scarecrow here and there
and a contraption to catch pests?
workers take care of the trees
and some actually live within the oasis itself it seems

each gate has information about the palms grown there
and there is the occasional fruit tree too, there's dad checking out the mangoes

it's a nice place to get away from the heat and noise of the city
Just outside the oasis is the national museum and a small fort
various structures imitate the sheiks grounds in the old days

there's more about the Bedouin lifestyle in the museum
mother and baby

and hospitality

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